Monday, October 26, 2015


Instead of giving some silly name like forest green, blizzard blue and arctic white, just show the mix in color.  Brilliant.  From web: 

What's in a color? Well, this radical, new paint set attempts to answer that by replacing color names with visual depictions of the primary colors magenta, yellow, and cyan mixed inside.  For tubes with more than one circle, the size of the circle indicates the proportion of paint that was mixed to create the resulting color.

Nameless Paints are a new way of getting kids to intuitively understand color. "By not assigning names to the colors we want to expand the definition of what a color can be, and the various shades they can create by mixing them."


  • Designer: Ima Moteki (Yusuke Imai + Ayami Moteki)
  • Size: W376 x D117 x H22mm (15 x 4.5 x 1 in)
  • Set of 10 colors (each includes 8.8mm of paint)

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